What does it mean to be drop dead gorgeous?

What does it mean to be drop dead gorgeous?

If someone is described as 'drop dead gorgeous', it means they are really good looking. Li: Strange phrase… Jen: Think of it this way: Imagine someone who is so good looking, so handsome, that your heart starts beating really fast, you start to feel short of breath, and you just drop down dead!

Where did the phrase Drop Dead Gorgeous come from?

What's the origin of the phrase 'Drop-dead Gorgeous'? The phrase struck a chord and there are many references to it in newspapers and journals from very soon after that. It didn't arrive out of the blue. The term "drop dead", meaning excellent had been around since at least 1962.

What does the phrase drop dead mean?

1 die suddenly and unexpectedly. 2 used as an expression of intense scorn or dislike. informal. This idiom is the source of the adjective drop-dead , which is used to emphasize how attractive someone or something is, as in drop-dead gorgeous .