What does it mean to be called random?

What does it mean to be called random?

It means something more like causeless, unpredictable, or unprovoked. In the same way, if you say something is "random", you mean that it is something that wouldn't have been predicted by normal causes or logic–like a person deep-frying lottery winnings.

Can anything really be random?

Randomness may not be as systematic and unpredictable as you might assume… That's a question with practical importance, as randomness is surprisingly useful. … Researchers typically use random numbers supplied by a computer, but these are generated by mathematical formulas – and so by definition cannot be truly random.

What is random behavior?

Random behavior. behavior of tendency to overcome bias. Random numbers. numbers determined totally by chance.

What is the synonym of random?

unsystematic, arbitrary, unmethodical, haphazard, unarranged, unplanned, undirected, casual, indiscriminate, non-specific, stray, erratic. chance, accidental, hit-and-miss. serendipitous, fortuitous, contingent, adventitious. non-linear, entropic, fractal. rare aleatory, stochastic.