
What does it mean to be a cheerleader?

What does it mean to be a cheerleader?

SHINNSTON — A cheerleader is defined as a person who directs organized cheering especially at a sports event. Though there is way more to cheerleading than girls standing on the sidelines at a football or basketball game. There is a vast difference in sideline cheering and competitive cheering.

What is a good age to start cheerleading?

seven to eight years old"I would say seven to eight years old is a good time to start. Around that age, they truly know what they want. Tumbling prior to that would be a plus, but competitive cheerleading should start around that age so they aren't too shy and have that 'edge.

Can I become a cheerleader?

Learn What It Takes to Become a Cheerleader Talk to the coach or adviser of the squad you're trying out for and find out the requirements. If possible, talk to current cheerleaders. Attend a performance of the squad you're interested in. Watch them closely and observe their skills and abilities.

What does it take to be a good cheerleader?

Becoming a cheerleader takes a lot of work, commitment, and a good attitude. If being a cheerleader is your dream, work on trying out for your school's squad. … Cheerleading is a sport and requires a lot of physical endurance. You should also work on having the right attitude.