What does I’m a hopeless romantic mean?

What does I’m a hopeless romantic mean?

A hopeless romantic is an expression describing a person who has romantic notions about life. For a hopeless romantic: life = love. Especially when that person is involved in a relationship – He/she thinks about love and romantic relationships in a different way than other people.

Is it bad being a hopeless romantic?

There are many reasons as to why you have not yet found “Mr. Right.” Perhaps believing in magic and fairy tales are some of the things that prevents us from the realities of relationships. Being a hopeless romantic is not a bad thing, but it may influence our views and opinions when it comes to love and dating.

What does a hopeless romantic want?

Being a hopeless romantic means you love openly with an open heart. … Even if they love you, if they have to leave you, they will. And you'll miss that beautiful, silly romantic.