
What does a mullet haircut look like?

What does a mullet haircut look like?

The mullet haircut can best be described as short or medium hair on the top and sides, mixed with long hair in the back and neck. However, the hipster mullet allows for variations, such as a high skin fade with a pompadour or slick back that seamlessly flows into the look.

How do you cut the perfect mullet?

How long does it take to grow a mullet, on average? This depends on how long your hair is already, how long you want it and how fast your hair grows. In general, it would take about 6 – 9 months to grow it long in the back.

Should I grow a mullet?

SHOULD YOU GROW A MULLET? If you're bored or just tired of looking like everyone else, you're not left with a lot of hair options. If you're looking to add some edge to your style, a good mullet could be the way to go. … We think the mullet is going to have a surge in popularity and then fade again in the next few years.

How do you cut a girl mullet?

The mullet is a hairstyle that is short at the front and sides and long in the back. … In the United States of the 1980s, the mullet became popular within lesbian culture, where it came to be used as a way of identifying oneself as a member of that culture in public.

Are mullets cool?

There was a period of time, known as the late-'80s/ early-'90s, when the mullet was actually considered cool. And you might not realize this, but the hairstyle itself goes back much further in cultural history. … The term “mullet-head” has been used as a way to call somebody stupid since at least the mid-19th Century.