What does a candy striper do?

What does a candy striper do?

A candy striper is a hospital volunteer who functions under nurse supervision. … Candy stripers usually work in reception, gift shops, and nursing and administration stations. Some will transport items between units, or visit lonely patients, but these jobs require more experience.

What does a candy striper look like?

The term candy striper is derived from the red-and-white striped pinafores that female volunteers traditionally wore, which are culturally reminiscent of candy canes. … The female adult volunteers of this organization were known as "Grey Ladies" and wore light grey uniforms.

How do I volunteer at a Candy Striper hospital?

If you want to be a candy striper or junior volunteer, the easiest thing to do is call your local hospital and ask for volunteer services. Most hospitals are always looking for volunteer help. Some only 'hire' volunteers in the spring or fall. You won't know how your hospital operates until you ask!

What is a candy stripe nurse?

A candy striper is a hospital volunteer who functions under nurse supervision. … These volunteers are integral to the success of the hospital, thanks to their interactions with both nurses and patients. Duties range, but are frequently constrained to clerical activities, as a result of insurance liability.

Do hospital volunteers wear scrubs?

At one hospital, I was required to wear pink scrubs. … If you are volunteering for several hours during one period, then it is obviously to your advantage to wear something comfortable and casual, as well as appropriate (lest you offend/distract doctors, staff, and patients).

What are the duties of a hospital volunteer?

Volunteers must dress appropriately for their assigned areas and tasks. In patient areas, no shorts, sandals (flip flops, open toed shoes) or clogs may be worn. Heavy perfume and bulk jewelry should be avoided. Khakis and/or jeans can be worn in appropriate assignments.