
What do you say when cutting a wedding cake?

What do you say when cutting a wedding cake?

Traditionally, the wedding cake is cut as dinner comes to an end, but before the bride and groom head to the dance floor for their first dance.

How many tiers are needed for 150 guests?

In general, three tiers will serve 50 to 100 guests. So, if you're having 150 or more, you'll likely need four or more tiers.

Which dance goes first at a wedding?

After the introduction of the bride, groom, and the rest of the wedding party, the bride and groom share the first dance. Many brides and grooms practice this dance before the wedding because they know everyone will be watching.

Why does a bride wear a veil?

And their 'purity'. Agh. It's all to do with being covered, and the veil being a thinly veiled (pun intended) reference to the hymen.

What does the cutting of the cake symbolize?

The cake cutting represents the first activity done as a couple, although historically the bride did this act alone to symbolize the loss of her virginity. … These days, the bride requires the groom's assistance and usually they do not cut the entire cake up, but instead leave that duty to the caterer.

What comes first cake cutting or toast?

Toasts can be after all two or three courses of the meal, or after one of the courses. Toasts can be before or after the cutting of the cake, depending when you cut the cake. … If however you were only having an evening wedding function, then Toasts would be done before the first dance.

How much wedding cake do I need for 150 guests?

So, if you are having 150 guests, you need 150 servings of cake. But, what if you are having both cakes? Tradition says to offer one slice of bride's cake per guest and a half slice of groom's cake. The same bride with 150 guests will then need 150 servings of bride's cake and 75 servings of groom's.

How much should a wedding cake cost?

On average, a wedding cake costs between $350 and $450 nationwide. Several factors affect the average cost of a wedding cake including the size of the cake, the ingredients, the number of tiers, the delivery location, and any special flavors or decorations.

How do you cut a wedding cake for guests?

Also, be sure it's always in the shade. You can also protect your cake from pests by placing citronella candles in luminary bags (or mason jar lanterns) along the pathway and near your tent entrance (not too close to the cake). This will deter most of the pests.

Whats the average cost of a wedding?

The average wedding costs $30,000. That's incredible but understandable when you start adding up all the "standard" wedding costs. After paying for a venue, rings, a wedding dress, food and alcohol, and all the other things that make up a wedding, it's pretty hard to stay frugal.

Why do brides carry bouquet?

A bride carrying flowers has its roots in ancient times. In Ancient Rome, brides carried or wore flower garlands, believing that flowers signify new beginnings, fidelity and hope of fertility. … In Victorian times, lovers often sent different flowers as a way of expressing their love.

Why does the bride wear something blue?

The tradition of a bride wearing "something old, something new, something borrowed, something blue," comes from an Old English rhyme. Something old represents continuity; something new offers optimism for the future; something borrowed symbolizes borrowed happiness; something blue stands for purity, love, and fidelity.