What do you do if your car starts sliding on ice?

What do you do if your car starts sliding on ice?

If your front wheels begin to slide, take your foot off the accelerator and allow the vehicle to slow. After a few seconds, if you still don't have control of your vehicle, lightly press the brake (we're talking one toe, here). To avoid skidding on ice, one tip reigns true: slow down.

Why is black ice so dangerous?

Bridges and overpasses can be especially dangerous. Black ice forms first on bridges and overpasses because air can circulate both above and below the surface of the elevated roadway when the ambient temperature drops, causing the bridge pavement temperature to fall more rapidly.

How do you break on ice?

Myth 1: If your car skids or slides on the ice, put it in neutral to control it. Reality: Neutral doesn't actually do anything, so putting your car into neutral won't — you know — actually do anything. And when your car does stop skidding, you're going to want to use the gas pedal.

At what temperature are icy roads most slippery?

Thus, ice is most slippery when temperatures are near freezing (26-32F) and is much less slippery when temperatures reach the single digits and below. So if the air temperature is just below freezing and ice is on the roadway, extra care is warranted.

How do you walk on black ice?

When walking over icy surfaces, take very small steps in order to maintain balance. Do not put your hands in your pocket (this increases you risk of broken bones should you fall), and keep your eyes ahead of you. Spread gravel over walkways to add additional grip or friction.

How do you tell if there is ice on the road?

If it feels dry, but you see spots on the road that look dark and glossy, that's probably black ice. If it's wet and not frozen, there may still be black ice, but only on shaded areas. You can also identify black ice conditions by watching the cars in front of you.

How do you drive down an icy hill?

Studded tires and snow chains can help you stop faster, but not by much. Making matters worse, black ice can form when you least expect it. … Black ice is more likely to cause problems in the mornings and at night when temperatures drop.

What causes black ice?

How does black ice form? Black ice occurs when snow or moisture from the air freezes rapidly, attaching itself to the frozen pavement. Unlike freezing rain, which can appear white or translucent due to trapped air bubbles, black ice is almost perfectly clear.