What do English pleasure classes judges look for?

What do English pleasure classes judges look for?

Most judges are looking for someone who feels comfortable and confident with their horse. This will give them more of the impression that your horse is a pleasure to ride, and you'll seem better prepared for the show. Try to hold your head up high and keep a relaxed look on your face.

What is an equitation class?

Equitation classes are a hybrid between hunters and jumpers. It is similar to jumpers in that riders often have to compete over jumper type courses, but it is more like hunters because it is also subjectively judged on the rider's style.

How do you judge English pleasure?

Judges in English pleasure shows put a large emphasis on a horse's manners, so you'll need to start with a very well-behaved horse if you want to compete. The horse should be comfortable and relaxed around people and other horses, and it should be comfortable with different gaits, including a walk, trot, and canter.

What is a lightweight hunter?

Show hunter horses are divided into three weight sections – lightweight, middleweight and heavyweight. The lightweight hunter should be able to carry up to 12 st 7 lb (79 kg), stand around 16 to 16.2 hands (64 to 66 inches, 163 to 168 cm) and have about 8​1⁄2 inches of bone under the knee.

What is Hunter saddle?

Hunter Under Saddle. A preliminary class for English riding disciplines in which judges evaluate a hunter-type American Quarter Horse on the flat, at a walk, trot and canter. Emphasis is placed on smoothness of gait, free-flowing stride and willingness to perform.