What damage can driving through water do?

What damage can driving through water do?

Driving through a flooded road can cause damage to your vehicle. The best option is to take a diversion or park in a safe place until the water recedes. If you drive through water and your engine stalls, you have no choice but to restart the engine. This can cause severe engine damage.

What happens when you drive through deep water?

Driving through high water can have a disastrous effect on your car's engine. … Water close to one foot deep can float cars and two feet of water can sweep away most vehicles, not to mention road visibility disappears when there's flooding, which can lead vehicles off the road.

How fast should you drive through flood water?

Don't drive too fast Drive through flood water slowly – 3-4mph is an adequate speed. If you drive too fast you not only will you create a wave that'll splash other road users, you'll also run the risk of your car's tyres losing their contact with the road.

Will a flooded engine fix itself?

Perhaps the best remedy for a flooded engine is time. Simply open the hood of your car and let excessive fuel evaporate for as long as you can. After about 20 minutes try starting your car again without hitting the gas pedal. If this still does not work, you may have to check your spark plugs.