
What can you not sell on Mercari?

What can you not sell on Mercari?

While 888-325-2168 is Mercari's best toll-free number, there are 5 total ways to get in touch with them.

Can you search for someone on Mercari?

It's super easy to search for items on Mercari! To start, tap the magnifying glass on the Home screen to search by keyword, category, or brand. … Filter on the search results screen to further narrow down the listings you see by category, brand, size, price, condition, and more!

How many items can I list on Mercari?

By implementing this 30 Day restriction, Mercari essentially killed its most powerful and desirable feature of being able to essentially have a store of products that do not expire at no additional charge to the seller. On eBay, even a basic store which offers 200 listings slots carries a price tag of $25 a month.

How many items can you sell on Mercari?

I ran up against a listing limit wall, however, when I was suddenly notified by Mercari that, as a new seller, I have a listing limit of 100 items & that this limit will be raised as I complete sales.

How do you hold something on Mercari?

Get a FREE Mercari Credit! Mercari is an iOS and Android app that lets you buy and sell used items. Use code CYPVJK at signup to get a FREE credit. Plus, you can refer your friends and get an extra credit for each one that signs up using your code (They don't even have to make a purchase!).

Does Mercari have a phone number?

While 888-325-2168 is Mercari's best toll-free number, there are 5 total ways to get in touch with them.

Can a seller block a buyer on Mercari?

If someone left you a snarky comment, you can block them by clicking on their name. You will be sent to their page. On the top right of their page, there are three dots. Once you click those dots, you will see the option to “Block this user”, and that's how get rid of that mess.

Is dropshipping allowed on Mercari?

Drop shipping on mercari. … We strongly prohibit dropshipping on Mercari. When a user returns an item, we require that an image of the label be sent.

Why did Mercari suspended my account?

Accounts or account privileges may be suspended or revoked for a number of reasons, including: Listing or selling Prohibited Items. Engaging in Prohibited Conduct. Multiple violations of our Terms of Service.

What does blocking someone on Mercari do?

On nearly every platform when you block another user, they lose all access to your posts and content you share. Not on Mercari, however, privacy is not something they value. Blocked users on Mercari can still follow a seller and see all posts of items for sale, ratings, bio, and number of sales.