What can I expect at a periodontist consultation?

What can I expect at a periodontist consultation?

A periodontal consultation will normally begin with a short interview. The periodontist will ask questions concerning your lifestyle, medical history, and dental hygiene. You will need to provide information about your past and current health concerns as these can be the result of or result in a periodontal disease.

What is a periodontist vs dentist?

A general dentist can treat gum disease through routine cleanings, scaling and root planning (deep cleanings), and antibiotic medications. … Periodontists are the ones who usually diagnoses gum disease (like gingivitis) and periodontitis – the technical term for a disease that affects the gum AND the bones.

Do periodontists take insurance?

Does your periodontist accept your insurance? … You also need to determine whether these dental/medical professionals accept your insurance, and whether the specific treatments they will perform are covered under your insurance plan.

What is para Donald disease?

Periodontal disease is a chronic inflammatory disease that destroys bone and gum tissues that support the teeth. Periodontal disease affects many Americans and is the major cause of adult tooth loss. Teeth are supported by the gums, or gingiva and bone. … The gums do not attach to the teeth as firmly as one might think.