What can a periodontist do for me?

What can a periodontist do for me?

PeriodonTAL Specialists A periodontist is a dentist who specializes in the prevention, diagnosis, and treatment of periodontal disease, and in the placement of dental implants. Periodontists are also experts in the treatment of oral inflammation.

Do I need a referral for a periodontist?

Your general dentist or a hygienist may recommend a consultation with a periodontist if they find signs of periodontal disease through the course of a checkup or other dental care appointment. You may also decide to see a periodontist on your own as a referral is not necessary to be seen at our office.

Is Perio a dying specialty?

Member. Perio is not dying. Theres been tons of recent advancements in the field. Advancements in implants, regenerative surgeries, research implicating systemic disease to perio status.