What are the 2 types of gamelan music?

What are the 2 types of gamelan music?

There are two different scale systems used in Balinese gamelan: slendro and pelog.

What are the types of gamelan?


  • Typical Javanese gamelan instruments.
  • Typical Balinese gamelan instruments.
  • Slendro.
  • Pelog.
  • Kepatihan.
  • Javanese gamelan.
  • Balinese gamelan.
  • Sundanese gamelan.

What are the types of Indonesian gamelan?

Gamelan Degung, gamelan salendro and tembang sunda are three primary types. The Osing Javanese minority in eastern Java are known for social music for weddings and other celebrations called gandrung, as well as angklung, played by young amateur boys, which is very similar to Balinese gamelan.

What are the most famous types of gamelan?

By far the most popular material is bronze, which Balinese call kerawang. Out of the bronze-keyed gamelan ensemble types, the orchestra called gong kebyar which was developed in Singaraja in 1912 is by far the most common and popular with possibly more than 30,000 sets across Bali.

What are the types of gamelan orchestra differentiate the two?

What are the two types of gamelan? The two main types of gamelan scales are the pelong and slendro scales. Pelong is a septatonic scale and is more recent than the Slendro scale. Gamelan typically only uses five of the seven notes in the package.

What three kinds of instrument groups play in a gamelan?

The instruments of the gamelan are divided into three classes according to their musical function: the structural instruments, the melody instruments and the elaborating instruments. The structure and rhythm is articulated by gongs of various sizes.

What are the difference of Javanese gamelan and Balinese gamelan?

The Difference Between Javanese and Balinese Gamalan Music Javanese gamelan is more traditional and suitable for palaces and temples. There is a softer and deeper tone in gamelan that leaves room for singers and rhythmic patterns. Balinese music is also based on a colonial structure, but it is not always clear.

What kind of instruments are used in gamelan music?

Gamelan also employs the use of xylophones, flutes, and other percussion, like gongs and kendang, a drum that is played sideways. Occasionally, a bowed instrument called the rebab and/or vocals, known as sindhen, are used in the music alongside the percussion instruments. The two main types of scales in gamelan are the pelong and slendro scales.

What are the different types of gamelans?

1 Bilah – Gamelan made from metal (iron or bronze) and woods. 2 Pencon – Gamelan made from metal and has basin shape. 3 Bentuki – Gamelan with a drum shape.

Which is the main melody in Javanese gamelan music?

The bonang, one of the instruments that elaborate the main melody in Javanese gamelan music. Wesleyan University Virtual Instrument Museum (www.wesleyan.edu/music/vim)See all videos for this article

What kind of scales are used in gamelan?

The two main types of scales in gamelan are the pelong and slendro scales. Pelong is a septatonic scale, and is newer in comparison to the slendro scale. Gamelan usually only uses five of the seven tones in pelong. In Javanese gamelan, the scale is divided into pathet, which are very similar to the Western concept of modes.