What are rabid animals?

What are rabid animals?

Any mammal can get rabies. The most common wild reservoirs of rabies are raccoons, skunks, bats, and foxes. Domestic mammals can also get rabies. Cats, cattle, and dogs are the most frequently reported rabid domestic animals in the United States.

What do you do if you see a rabid animal?

Wash all wounds thoroughly with soap and water and seek medical attention immediately. Report all animal bites to your county health department, even if they seem minor. Try to keep track of the animal that exposed you and report this information to your county health department so the animal can be captured safely.

Are rabid animals friendly?

Many animals simply act sick and lethargic, while others might simply drool and act more tame than they usually would. Often an animal infected with rabies is simply less nervous around humans, which can lead to either aggression or docility, depending on the creature.

How do animals become rabid?

Rabies infection is caused by the rabies virus. The virus is spread through the saliva of infected animals. Infected animals can spread the virus by biting another animal or a person. In rare cases, rabies can be spread when infected saliva gets into an open wound or the mucous membranes, such as the mouth or eyes.