
What are brown potatoes?

What are brown potatoes?

Russet Potatoes (The Brown Ones) …are high in starch which makes them light and fluffy, perfect for mashed potatoes. … are advantageous when fried, baked, mashed, or roasted. … are typically used for french fries.

Can you cook brown potatoes?

After peeled or grated potatoes are exposed to air they will begin to turn gray or brown. This appearance can be off-putting, but the good news is that the quality of the potato isn't compromised. This is a harmless natural reaction and it is perfectly fine to cook and eat potatoes even if they have turned gray.

How do you make potatoes brown?

Cut your potatoes small if you'd like to brown them in a skillet on the stove and use plenty of butter or oil to give them color. If you'd rather brown them in the oven, cut the potatoes into large chunks and boil them first. Both methods will give you potatoes that have fluffy centers and crisp, brown exteriors.