
What age is OK for sleepover?

What age is OK for sleepover?

Neither sleepovers nor slumber parties are appropriate before age 10 and are not required for optimal social development. Before allowing your child to spend the night at a friend's house, make sure you know the family well. This is true for children in late elementary school and teenagers.

Can boys have sleepovers with girls?

Riley Findley – YES – People don't let boys and girls have sleepovers because they are afraid that the kids will have sex with each other. … If a teen says they won't have sex with their friend then you can either choose to trust your child, or if you do not, ask what you, as a guardian, are really accomplishing.

What is the best gift for a 12 year girl?

Inside pack: deodorant, body spray, perfume, toothbrush/paste, makeup, pads/tampons, shampoo, shower gel (if you are planning on having a shower at the friends' house). hair ties, bobby pins, face wash and anything else you wish to bring (put all leakable items in zip-lock bags or plastic baggies to prevent leakages).