Is there such a thing as a square watermelon?

Is there such a thing as a square watermelon?

Square or cube watermelons are watermelons grown into the shape of a cube. Cube watermelons are common in Japan, but they are purely ornamental and are often very expensive, with prices as high as $100.

Why are square watermelons so expensive?

Square watermelons require a lot of work For a lot of people, that's a ridiculous price to pay for a fruit that doesn't taste any better — and some even say taste worse — than its round counterpart, so why are they so expensive? The high price tag is because growing these novelty fruits is pretty labor-intensive.

Where are square melons grown?

You can find funny-shaped fruit like the square watermelon in fancy fruit shops in Japan — they're sort of like gift shops. You can even grow your own to have as a houseplant, all you need is a watermelon plant and a mold to make it cubed as it grows.

How much is a square watermelon?

So the not-quite-ripe watermelons do not taste quite as sweet, which is why for some consumers the fruit serves a purely decorative purpose. And speaking of price, square watermelons cost a pretty penny, going anywhere from $75 to $100 per melon.