
Is Quirky a good trait?

Is Quirky a good trait?

Quirky people don't take themselves seriously, and that is really an awesome trait one could ever possess. They go 'chill' through life, and they are not afraid of what tomorrow will bring to them because quirky people have the ability to easily adapt to almost anything.

What does it mean when a person is quirky?

"Quirky" is all in the beholder, not in the one being described. It does not connote specific traits like feminism or weird hobbies. It simply means the person is weird, but still attractive. Someone unattractive or unendearing would not be "quirky", they would instead be described as "weird", "creepy", or "bizarre".

What is a quirky girl?

A quirky girl (or for that matter a quirky person) is someone who follows the beat of their own drum. … A quirky girl doesn't do things for effect, as an attention getting ploy, to "show she's different", because it's a cause or means of self-expression currently in vogue, or as acts of rebellion.

How can I be edgy?

The first step to being edgy is: Make edgy jokes. I'm talking jokes that are terrible, jokes about the holocaust, jokes about dead babies, jokes about rape, and if you feel really edgy you can combine all of those topics into one.

What is a quirky guy?

Originally Answered: Personality: What are the characteristics of a quirky guy and what makes someone quirky? In short quirky is strange but likeable. Quirky guys can have normal or weird interests as quirky is more a comment on behaviour than on likes and dislikes. Think (or Google) Doctor Who.