Is Quiet related to the end?

Is Quiet related to the end?

The key link is a sketch of Chico's family from MGS: Peace Walker where his father looks (a bit) like ancient sniper The End from MGS 3. In other words: they're both old with big beards. Quiet seems to share The End's photosynthetic abilities. … Quiet could be related to The End without being Chico, of course.

Why is mgs3 called Snake Eater?

User Info: Tmac2035. "Snake Eater actually refers to a crew or man in special forces, because of intense conditions they hunt for their own food when out of rations and sometimes resort to eating, well, snakes."

How do you make the end of old age die?

If the player saves their game in the middle of the battle and waits over a week before playing again, The End will have died of old age. The player can also just set their PlayStation 2's internal clock a week ahead to get the same result.

How do you kill the end?

Beat the end non-lethally (which means using non-damage dealing guns; basically using tranquilizer darts and such and shooting him until his whole stamina is gone) and you will get his sniper rifle. The Mosin Nagant. When the end dying cut-scene ends keep going left until you find a sniper rifle.

How old is snake in Snake Eater?

IIRC it was stated that Naked Snake in MGS3 was the same age as Solid Snake was in MGS2 (37 years old).

Can you play Snake Eater on ps4?

Currently, the only way for PS4 fans to play PS3 games is via the PlayStation Now streaming service. … That same running list also mentions a shock Metal Gear Solid Snake Eater remake, as well as Splinter Cell on PS4.

What is the difference between Snake Eater and subsistence mgs3?

Main difference is that the background audio doesn't mute out/skip during the Radio parts, in the Subsistence version. Also the FMV's play better inside the radio. The other difference is that Snake Eater only has an overview mode for the camera. Subsistence has the option of a 3D camera.

Where is the sniper rifle in mgs3?

It's also in Ponizovje(SP?) West in the Armory. If you don't get it in Ponizovje West, It will be in Sokrovennd South in the Armory when you fight The End.

Is Metal Gear Solid 3 a prequel?

Metal Gear Solid 3: Snake Eater. … It was the fifth Metal Gear game written and directed by Hideo Kojima and serves as a prequel to the entire Metal Gear series.

How long is Metal Gear Solid 4?

It's about 20 hours. 11 hours of gameplay, 9 hours of cutscenes (545 minutes total).

How long is Metal Gear Solid 2?

CQC is the easiest way to beat the boss, so I'd suggest to continue with this method, as it takes a lot of stamina from her. When Snake grunts, when she tries CQC, hold O, Snake will counter. Then shoot her in the face with the Mk. 22, then CQC slam her, then shoot her in the face with the Mk.

What does Snake Eater mean?

Snake Eater actually refers to a crew or man in special forces, because of intense conditions they hunt for their own food when out of rations and sometimes resort to eating, well, snakes.

How long is Metal Gear Solid 5?

In Metal Gear Solid 3: Snake Eater, it was implied that Tselinoyarsk was located in present-day Tajikistan, which lies adjacent to Pakistan, separated by the narrow Wakhan Corridor. However, the Metal Gear Solid 4 Database states that it was in the southeast of the Soviet Union.

Can you play mgs3 on PC?

Originally, no. The only SOLID games on PC, excluding an emulator, are the first, the second, and Ground Zeroes. … We don't talk about MGS2 on PC. Mostly because it doesn't work.

What year does Metal Gear Solid take place?

MG takes place in 1995, MG2: SS takes place in 1999. Both of these feature Solid Snake as the main character.

How do you save in mgs3?

You can also use the D-pad to select a frequency manually. Going into the radio will pause the game. The radio is also used to save the game. As with all the MGS games, the frequency for saving data is 140.96, which will patch Snake directly through to Para-Medic.