Is it worth dating someone with kids?

Is it worth dating someone with kids?

Dating a person with kids is not easy, but if you can make it past all the bumps in the road it's well worth it. … Dating someone with kids could be the start to a whole new life but you have to be tough enough to handle it, and loving enough to accept it.

Why do blended families fail?

Blending families takes more than most of us are equipped with and because of that the failure rate is through the roof. The brutal reality of it all is that your blended family is going to fail and over and over again you'll fail at trying to make it work. You'll fail at never having feelings of resentment.

How do you love someone with kids?

You should be very clear on this point – if you're a dating a single dad, children are part of the deal. … You should be prepared to nurture relationships with his children, and create a positive dynamic together if you want a lasting relationship with him, but also be guided by him for the right time to start.