
Is it OK to wear short shorts?

Is it OK to wear short shorts?

Short shorts are not appropriate for formal occasions. Most schools and places of business have dress codes that forbid short shorts. Check to make sure you're allowed to wear them. Don't forget that guys can wear short shorts, too.

Do guys look good in shorts?

Men can look as equally good in pants and shorts. It is totally dependent on the physique of the guy in question …because a guy can also look as equally bad in pants and shorts. Of the two, for a guy who's overweight and out of shape, pants will tend to cover a greater wealth of “sins” than even the longest shorts.

How do you look good in shorts with big thighs?

If you have thick thighs, shorts should not be too baggy and not too tight. If you want flattering shorts for big thighs, too-tight shorts tend to look a little offensive and also make you look fat. On the other hand, the stomach of the shorts must be a perfect fit. Do not settle for loose women shorts on your belly.

Are cargo shorts fashionable?

Though the shorts enjoyed popularity through the 2000s and the first half of this decade, they become increasingly out-of-fashion with every passing year. … They consider cargo shorts useful, comfortable, and all-around fine to wear for all occassions. But cargo shorts are really none of those things.