Is it OK to keep garden snails as pets?

Is it OK to keep garden snails as pets?

Pet Garden Snails. A garden snail is a small creature with simple needs. You can keep pet snails in a small container, providing you care for them properly and make sure they receive enough air, water, calcium and food.

What land snails are legal in the US?

Giant African land snails, a popular species, are illegal; the U.S. Department of Agriculture has classified them as invasive because they eat crops. … Other snails are legal only with a USDA permit.

What can land snails eat?

Land snails enjoy plants, fungi and algae. They naturally congregate in fields and grassy areas. Provide a land snail with plant matter and vegetables such as lettuce, dandelion greens, cucumbers and carrots. Experiment with different types of greens to see what your snails enjoy eating.