
Is it illegal to smoke in a drive through?

Is it illegal to smoke in a drive through?

The no smoking signs were at the discretion of the licensee. In accordance with the State Government's new smoking laws, McDonald's restaurants across NSW have banned smoking from any area within 4m where food is served. … “Some of our restaurants are also asking customers not to smoke at drive-through windows.”

Can I smoke and drive?

Is smoking and driving illegal? In general, no, you are allowed to smoke while you are driving a car, but as the RAC explains: 'Smoking at the wheel is not an offence in itself, but if it leads to careless driving it could land you in trouble with the law.

Is it illegal to smoke in a drive thru in California?

"And just for future reference, smoking is not allowed in the drive-thru" … Oh um you know just since like two decades ago when California passed a law explicitly banning all smoking within 20 feet of any public building entrances or windows.

Is drinking coffee while driving illegal in UK?

Just like eating behind the wheel, taking a swig of water or coffee while you're driving is not illegal, but it could carry the same careless driving penalty if you're accused of being distracted.