Is it good to be a workaholic?

Is it good to be a workaholic?

A new study finds that if you love what you do, working long hours doesn't put you at risk. The word workaholic generally has a negative implication–and with good cause. Working too much is associated with high blood pressure and other stress-related diseases.

What are the effects of being a workaholic?

In short, workaholism has been linked with a laundry list of disorders, including alcoholism, sleep problems, heart disease, depression and anxiety, weight gain, high blood pressure and even premature death.

Is workaholism a disease?

Workaholism is a family disease often passed down from parent to child. Workaholics use work to cope with emotional discomfort and feelings of inadequacy. They get adrenaline highs from work binges and then crash from exhaustion, resulting in periods of irritability, low self-esteem, anxiety and depression.