Is it cruel to keep a rabbit alone?

Is it cruel to keep a rabbit alone?

Many cages sold by pet stores are far too small for even a young rabbit, let alone a grown one. Keeping them in these tiny cages can cause a range of health problems, including obesity and even deformities if they're not able to move around naturally. It's also cruel.

Do rabbits need baths?

Rabbits are meticulously clean and almost never need a bath. Bathing them can even be harmful, since they tend to panic in water and may fracture a limb or their spine if they thrash around.

Should I cover my indoor rabbits cage at night?

If you are placing your rabbit in an indoor rabbit cage at night, it is not a good idea to leave the animal all day long in it too while you are at work. This is pretty much like keeping the pet as a prisoner. A much better idea is to also have a run to enclose your pet while you are out.

Are rabbits hard to take care of?

Many people don't realize how hard it is to take care of a rabbit. Rabbits can grow up to weigh 20 pounds—that means they need a lot of space! Bunnies need certain foods, like grass, special hay, and fresh vegetables, and sometimes they need to go to a veterinarian who specializes in rabbits.

Do bunnies need shots?

All rabbits should be regularly vaccinated against the potentially fatal diseases, myxomatosis and viral haemorrhagic disease (VHD). Rabbit vaccinations are an essential part of keeping your pet healthy. … It is a good idea to have rabbits neutered as this lessens the risk of disease and behavioural problems.

What should I not feed my rabbit?

Where do rabbits live? Rabbits live in groups called colonies in underground warrens, where they can hide from anything hunting them. These underground systems of tunnels are dug by the rabbits and can be found in forests, grasslands, meadows or deserts.

What vet care do rabbits need?

Reality: Although rabbits in the USA do not require annual vaccinations, nevertheless, regular veterinary checkups help to detect small problems before they become big ones. Companion rabbits should be spayed/neutered by veterinarians experienced in rabbit surgery.

How do I get my rabbit to cuddle with me?

Rabbits need vaccinations to prevent/protect against myxomatosis, Rabbit (Viral) Haemorrhagic Disease (R(V)HD) and a new strain of R(V)HD – R(V)HD2 – all of which cause intense suffering to rabbits. We strongly recommend vaccinating all rabbits.

Do rabbits need to be in pairs?

Rabbits are naturally sociable, so they need companionship of their own kind. They will be much happier living in pairs or compatible groups, and will become very lonely if kept on their own. It is easiest if rabbits are kept together from birth, but rabbits less than 12 weeks old will usually live together happily.

How much does neutering a rabbit cost?

You can spay a female rabbit as early as four months and costs for this process vary widely, with some being as little as $75 or as much as several hundred dollars. According to the Rabbit House Society, the average cost to spay or neuter your rabbit is $250.

What bunnies are good for pets?

Rabbits come in many different breeds—lionhead, mini lop, mini rex, rex, lop, Dutch, English spot, and Hotot, to name a few—and some can be raised as show animals.