Is it cheaper to brew your own beer?

Is it cheaper to brew your own beer?

It's simple: Brewing beer is cheaper than buying it. As the cost of ingredients has risen, the price of the average six pack is nearing $9.00. While that is still a bargain compared to lifes other pleasures, and we encourage you to support your local brewery, it is still cheaper to brew your own!

Can you brew your own beer?

Boil the Water and Steep Most beer making recipes follow a pretty standard procedure. Just pour two gallons of water into your large pot, heat it to 160 degrees F (80 degrees C) or so, put the grains in the grain bag and tie it off, then drop the grain bag in the water to steep for twenty minutes or so.

How long does it take to brew your own beer?

two weeksThe actual process of preparing the ingredients takes only a few hours, but your beer-to-be will need to ferment in your beer brewing kit for at least two weeks (or longer, depending on the type of beer you're brewing), followed by two weeks of bottle conditioning after you've bottled your home brew.