
Is it better to mine at y11 or y12?

Is it better to mine at y11 or y12?

If you mine y11 you see these coords (y9, y10,y11 and y12) diamond rates at Y12 is much lower than y8 so if you mine at y10 you see (y8, y9,y10 and y11) This way you will increase your diamond luck. And always mine the top block first so if there is lava you see it before it spreads all over you.

What biome is best for diamonds?

Diamonds Are More Common in Deserts, Savannas, and Mesas.

How deep do you find diamonds?

Diamond can be found anywhere beneath layer 16, but is most common in layers 5-12. Methods for finding the ore generally fall in two categories: either caving or mining. Either way, the player will need an iron or diamond pickaxe to mine the diamonds (also any gold, emerald, or redstone they come across).

How do you find diamonds fast?

Find a lava pit, make a tower of blocks (any kind except Netherrack, wool, and other flammable blocks). Make it in the middle, if possible; otherwise, put it on a corner. Place a bucket of water there, and it should spread across the lava. Use a diamond pickaxe to mine it.

At what level should I strip mine?

I would recommend to strip mine at y11, this is because it is above lava and you can find any ores at this level. If you bring a water bucket you can pour it over any lava you mine into.

Do diamonds spawn near Lava?

Not always, no. You can find any ore anywhere so long as you're at the right height for it. It just so happens that the level where lava spawns is also the level where diamonds do. Nonetheless, you can find diamonds that aren't near lava.

How many diamonds are in a chunk?

There is 3.097 diamonds in every chunk.

Are diamonds found near Lava in Minecraft?

Diamonds are usually found near lava, but gold is a little more sporadic. Still, near lava is usually the general area.

Is strip mining effective?

Strip mining is the least efficient method of mining, AND you wear out your tools on mostly cobblestone, AND you are left with an enormous hole in the ground that just looks ugly. If you are looking for diamonds, you should branch mine at y=11.

Does every chunk have diamonds?

There is 3.097 diamonds in every chunk.

What level above bedrock is Diamond?

It can be found anywhere in the 32 layers above bedrock. Diamond ore: Diamond ore is one of the most important blocks in the game. It is relatively rare, appearing only in the 17 layers above bedrock. Use an iron or diamond pickaxe to mine diamond ore.

Why can’t I find diamonds in Minecraft?

Diamond Ore only appears between layers 1-16, but it is most abundant on layer 12. To check what layer you're on, check the Y value on your map (F3 on PC) (FN + F3 on Mac). It can be found in veins as large as 8 blocks of Ore. Lava frequently appears between layers 4-10.

Where can I find diamonds in the ground?

There are three methods of diamond searching. Surface searching consists of walking up and down the rows of dirt looking for diamonds lying on top of the ground. This is the most productive method following a hard rain. Rain washes the soil away, leaving diamonds and other rocks and minerals exposed on the surface.

What is the Y value of a diamond?

Diamond Ore only appears between layers 1-16, but it is most abundant on layer 12. To check what layer you're on, check the Y value on your map (F3 on PC) (FN + F3 on Mac). It can be found in veins as large as 8 blocks of Ore. Lava frequently appears between layers 4-10.

What biome do diamonds spawn?

Diamonds Are More Common in Deserts, Savannas, and Mesas – Minecraft Feedback.

Can you mine diamonds with TNT?

Using those numbers, while using a Fortune III pickaxe to mine diamonds will net you an average of 2.5 diamonds per ore block, using TNT to mine will net you 0.25 diamonds per ore block. So, although you can mine any ore with TNT, it's definitely not efficient (but could theoretically help out in a pinch).

How do you dig up a mine tunnel?

Dig your way underground. Dig any way you want, just do not dig straight down; you might fall into a pit, or into lava. At the bottom of every world is a layer of unbreakable bedrock. Ores in Minecraft are most commonly located only a few blocks above this layer, so dig until your character's y-coordinate is 13 or so.

How often do diamonds spawn?

Diamond ore attempts to generate 1 time per chunk in veins of sizes 1 to 8, from altitudes 0 to 15, in all biomes.

What level is bedrock?

Bedrock is found in layers 0–4, therefore if you are standing on the highest level of bedrock, you are standing on layer 4. Layer 4 has a mixture of bedrock and normal stone.