Is it better to cut or tear romaine lettuce?

Is it better to cut or tear romaine lettuce?

So, if there difference between cut and torn is insignificant, why cut rather than tear? It's faster and more consistent, especially if you have good knife skills and a sharp knife. You can cut a head of romaine in under a minute by knife, versus several times this by hand.

Is it dangerous to eat romaine lettuce?

Romaine lettuce is officially, totally, completely safe to eat again. … All romaine lettuce, regardless of origin, is safe to eat. There hasn't been a new illness in a month, the suspect lettuce is out of our food system, and the farms where the tainted romaine originated are done harvesting it.

Will romaine lettuce grow back after cutting?

Head lettuce will die back, but most leaf-lettuce plants renew efforts to produce leaves, if regularly watered after trimming. … crispa), romaine or cos lettuce (Lactuca sativa var.

Can you cut romaine lettuce with a knife?

No and no. The frequent admonishment to never cut lettuce with a knife, lest the cut edges turn brown faster than hand torn lettuce leaves, is a myth. … But this isn't true and tearing lettuce does not damage less cells than cutting the leaves with a knife.