
Is it a RA or an RA?

Is it a RA or an RA?

A resident adviser—or "RA"—is an upperclassman who is available to college students living in dorms and resident halls. Dorm residents may be more comfortable talking to an RA than an older adult in a sterile on-campus housing office, making this peer-to-peer guidance can be valuable for incoming freshmen.

Do you get paid to be an RA?

And some schools pay RA's a financial stipend along with these perks, somewhere in the ballpark of $600 per semester. So free housing, free food, free parking, discounted tuition, and you'd get paid on top of it all! 2. You can plan a bunch of fun things to do with your students.

How much does a resident assistant make an hour?

where the average pay is $10.81.

What makes a good resident assistant?

Because the position is a commitment of time, emotion, talent and energy, an RA should have a demonstrated ability to balance his/her own pressures of academic and personal responsibilities. Successful RAs are willing and able to live within both university and residence life policies.