
Is Homebrew better for you?

Is Homebrew better for you?

There is no doubt, drinking too much beer isn't healthy or wise, but the health benefits of beer in moderation has been proven. … The finer a beer is filtered the fewer of these nutrients make it into the finished beer. Brewing at home puts you in control. Don't filter and you'll have healthier beer.

Is home brewing beer worth it?

Using that number, we can estimate that homebrewing a one-gallon batch will yield about $20 worth of beer, $100 worth with the five-gallon batch. … That means your ingredients for a one-gallon batch will likely cost less than $5 if you go with one of the less expensive recipe kits.

What is a commercial brewery?

Most micro-breweries are called “micro”-breweries for a reason. They like to remain small and cater to people who value them. Most “commercial” breweries, on the other hand, mass produce beers on a daily basis. Those beers then end up on the shelves of your local liquor store. You know the ones.