
Is hairdressing a good job?

Is hairdressing a good job?

But generally, hairdressing is a good career choice for those with the motivation, flair and skills to spend most of their day meeting people and making them look fantastic. It's also a valuable and versatile trade that can be done in a number of working environments.

What are the disadvantages of being a hairdresser?

Hairstyling can be a hard job as well as an easy and fun job. Some disadvantages include taking responsibility of making someone look better and making sure the client is happy. Sometimes a client will not be happy with your service. There is a lot of competition that charges competitive rates.

How do hairdressers get paid?

Stylists are paid based on many factors. Those that are employed by salons can be paid hourly, by salary or by commission. Stylists that work on a freelance basis are paid directly by the customer and are responsible for their own business expenses.

What hairdressing does to your body?

The American Journal of Epidemiology concluded that hairstylists had triple the risk of developing breast cancer when they worked with hair dye for over 5 years. Exposure to toxic chemicals has been linked to upper respiratory diseases, occupational asthma, and in some studies, lung cancer.

Is being a hairstylist stressful?

Hairstylists, which ranks in at number-two, are beholden to the demands of clientele. However, the site says, the main stress criteria that can be universally applied to all careers are lower stress than in comparison to jobs that ranked in the site's 10 most stressful of 2018.

Can hairdressers make good money?

As a hairstylist you can choose how much you make. If you really apply yourself and become very good at your trade you can make lots of money. You can make $8 an hour or $800 an hour depending on how much you want to work it and spend mastering your trade.

Is it hard to be a hairstylist?

It can be, it is better to be a business person who does good hair than a hairstylist. The hairstylist position can be a like a greek tragedy. … Definitely being a hair stylist is a very difficult job. First of all you have study the face cut of the person ,then comes the hair type whether its curly ,straight or wavy.

How much can a hair stylist make?

Hair stylists averaged $26,460 per year, or $12.72 per hour, as of May 2011, according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics. The lowest earners received less than a mean annual $16,710, while the highest paid earned more than $41,490 yearly.

How can I become a hairdresser fast?

Besides having a passion for hair, makeup and style, there are other reasons for pursuing a career in cosmetology. Assisting other people to look good is fun and fulfilling. If you enjoy working with your hands and regard yourself a social person, a career as a cosmetologist may be right for you.

How long does it take to train to be a hairdresser UK?

Usually, an apprenticeship will take 18 months to complete, but you'll need to get an NVQ Level 2 to be able to work as a junior stylist and continue your training.

Why do you love being a hairstylist?

Opportunities. There are limitless opportunities within this career. You can travel the world, work for a brand, like Redken, you can be an educator, or even become a salon owner! You can be flexible with your time and have the unique opportunity to make as much money as you'd like to.