Is Google Tic Tac Toe Impossible?

Is Google Tic Tac Toe Impossible?

That is the whole point of it being impossible. The program is quite simple and knows how to counter every move to either tie or beat the opponent. The mode being called “impossible” is not a challenge, it is simply a statement and a fact. You or I cannot defeat google's impossible mode for Tic-Tac-Toe.

What is the answer to Question 68 on the impossible quiz 1?

Question 68 of The Impossible Quiz contains the series' mascot, Chris the cat, sitting on a chair, and beside him a vertical bar. There is no message of any kind on screen. To get past this question, you need to stroke Chris using the cursor so that the bar rises.

How do you click the V IN lives in the impossible quiz?

If you rapidly scroll your mouse back and forth over the box, you will be able to read the message formed by all of the letters, which says "Click the 'V' in lives". So click on the letter V in the word "Lives" at the bottom left corner of the screen in order to proceed.

What is the answer to Question 57 on the impossible quiz?

Question 57 from the Impossible Quiz says "Look! Count Dracula!", followed by an arrow which is pointing at a drawing of Dracula. The possible answers say "Erm… one?", "Oh yes!", "He's a sexy one", and "Sorry, I prefer lemurs".

What is the answer to Question 74 on the impossible quiz?

Question 74 of The Impossible Quiz 2 originated as Question 10 in the Demo of the first Quiz. It only contains the task "Click 'yes' to exit". The possible answers to this question are "Yes", "No", "Cancel" and "Exit". It's really important that, no matter what happens, you should not click "Yes".

What is the answer to Question 7 on the impossible quiz?

Question 7 from the Impossible Quiz states that "The answer is really big". The possible choices are the word "answer" drawn very large, "really big", the infinity symbol ("∞"), and "an elephant".

What is the answer to Question 8 on the impossible quiz book?

Question 8 of the Impossible Quiz Book asks "What is the seventh letter of the alphabet?". The answer choices you're given say "G", "E", "I" and "Hang on… This question seems familiar". Just like the last option hints at you, this question will indeed look familiar to you assuming you have played the first game.

What is the answer to Question 9 on the impossible quiz?

Question 2 said "Can a match box?", and the answer to it was "No, but a tin can", which was located in the bottom left box.

How do you beat question 19 on the impossible quiz?

BOGGY stands for colors on the paint buckets. Each time you put in a color, a portion of his face will be colored in. Blue is B and G is green and y is yellow and o is orange. The riddle is simple.

What is Question 15 on the impossible quiz?

Question 15 of The Impossible Quiz is the first question where the "Sorry, no skipping!" sign blocks the row of Skips so that the question is unskippable. There is a keyboard on the screen with clickable letters. Above the keyboard is a message saying "Neigh! Whinny!" and a black silhouette of a horse.

How do you beat Question 7 on the impossible quiz 2?

Question 7 of The Impossible Quiz 2 contains a task that says "Use the right key!". Below it there are 4 keys: a small dark-grey one, a slightly bigger silver one, a strange-looking light blue and green key, and lastly a smaller gold key.

What is the answer to 60 on the impossible quiz?

Question 60 of The Impossible Quiz is a question that requires honesty from your part in order to proceed, regarding your performance in the previous question with the Shoop Da Whoop face. The game asks you: "Be honest…

What is the answer to Question 59 on the impossible quiz?

Question 59 (The Impossible Quiz) Question 59 of The Impossible Quiz is an unskippable question, containing the task "Charge ur lazer!" written on the upper part of the screen, and a black circle with the Shoop-Da-Whoop meme face at the bottom-left corner.

What is the answer to life the universe and everything in the impossible quiz?

The correct answer is the 42nd 42. It's the second 42 in the bottom row. Click it to proceed. This question is in reference to Douglas Adams' book "The Hitchhiker's Guide To The Galaxy".

What is the answer to Question 63 on the impossible quiz?

Question 63 from the Impossible Quiz asks "What are Chicken McNuggets made of?", with the possible choices being "100% chicken", "Tasteless white filth", "Soil", and "Win". The answer is NOT "100% chicken", even though Chicken McNuggets are made out of it.

What is the 7th letter of the alphabet?

g. the seventh letter of the English alphabet. G is a consonant.

How do you beat level 72 on the impossible quiz?

You must find a clickable spot among the darkness, which is where the switch is located. It's on the far left end of the screen, somewhere between the question number and the lives. Once clicked, the light on the top of the screen will be turned on, revealing a picture of a ring-tailed lemur.

What is the digestive system impossible quiz?

Question 55 (The Impossible Quiz) … The actual answer to this question is "A games console for wholemeal biscuits", because wholemeal is an ingredient for digestive biscuits, and the term "system" is often used to refer to game consoles.

What is the answer to Question 65 on the impossible quiz 1?

Question 65 from the Impossible Quiz says "Click the largest" on the upper part of the screen, and there are five circles of different sizes as well: four in a row below the task, and one above the "i" in the word "Click" of the task.