
Is Chinese harder than Japanese?

Is Chinese harder than Japanese?

Learning to read and write Japanese is probably harder than Chinese because most Japanese characters (kanji) have two or more pronunciations, whereas the vast majority of Chinese characters (hanzi) only have one. … So for English speakers, Chinese is easier than Japanese from this aspect.

Can I learn Chinese in 2 years?

Theoretically yes, it's just down to what resources you use and making sure you take small first steps. Most people try and learn a language too quickly so they bombard themselves with too many words and too much to understand. … If you just want to learn basic daily Chinese, 2 years might be far beyond enough.

Is Chinese worth learning?

Yes. Any language is worth learning, no matter how useful or useless they could be. … So, Mandarin would be worth learning but also consider that it's a difficult language and if you're those who say “I'm not good at languages” “I have no ties to China” “I'm not into languages”, etc….

Should I learn Cantonese or Mandarin?

If you really want to be able to connect with people from Hong Kong, Macau, and Canton, you can still consider learning Cantonese. But you should still know that Cantonese is often seen as more difficult. Its use of “tones” can be even more challenging to western speakers than Mandarin. … Mandarin only has 4 tones.

Is Chinese Grammar hard?

Chinese grammar isn't hard. … There are four reasons why English speakers would not have nativelike Chinese grammar: Learning any language is hard, and transfer from the first language is very common. This applies to any language pair, including English-Chinese, as well as Chinese-English.

Which language is the easiest to learn?

The Chinese language is so complex because it has been evolving literally for thousands of years while maintaining its cultural integrity. Even simplified characters are a very recent change in mainland China and have been promoted for use in printing only since the 1950s and 1960s to encourage literacy.

Should I learn Chinese or Japanese?

So for English speakers, Chinese is easier than Japanese from this aspect. Chinese grammar is generally considered a lot easier to learn than Japanese. … Only a few Japanese words are distinguished by intontation though, so if you get it wrong, you'll probably still be understand.

How fast can I learn Chinese?

However, to become fluent, experts estimate that it'll take 2,200 class hours. If you put the rest of your life on hold and focused only on studying Chinese – at 5 hours of practice a day, it would take you 88 weeks. Here's the long story. When it comes to Chinese, you have two options – Mandarin or Cantonese.

How can I learn Chinese fast?

Generally, I tend to think in English about 85% of the time, Spanish 10% and Chinese 5%. However, I tend to think more in the language I'm more exposed to in the moment, and I'm most exposed to English, so that's why.

Should I learn Russian or Chinese?

Russian is many times easier than Mandarin. It is not so distant as some people think, there is a clear Indo-European feel about it. Chinese on the other hand is "a whole nother ball game". And the pronunciation is a thousand times easier than Chinese because there are no tones.

Is English the hardest language to learn?

As we've seen, then, English is pretty challenging. But it's not the only contender for the World's Most Difficult Language. Other notoriously tricky languages include Finnish, Russian, Japanese and Mandarin. … The difficulty of a language also depends on its similarity to your own language.

What is the hardest language to learn in the world for non English speakers?

Despite how the media portrays Mandarin (as one of the hardest languages to learn), it has many components that make it easy. Compared to Indo-European languages, words in Mandarin have only one grammatical form.

How long does it take to become fluent in Chinese?

However, to become fluent, experts estimate that it'll take 2,200 class hours. If you put the rest of your life on hold and focused only on studying Chinese – at 5 hours of practice a day, it would take you 88 weeks. Here's the long story. When it comes to Chinese, you have two options – Mandarin or Cantonese.

Can you learn to read Chinese without speaking?

Like kanji, they would use the characters but pronounce it the way they do in their own language. So, if you look at it this way, you can read Chinese without pronouncing it.

Is Chinese language easy to learn?

In conclusion, Mandarin Chinese is easy to learn, given that you have the right study materials. A native speaking tutor is one of the best methods to use to learn the language enough to be able to speak, write, and read Mandarin with near fluent proficiency.

Can u learn a language while sleeping?

While sleep is clearly linked to learning, learning in your sleep may or may not be possible. … Perhaps the best recent evidence that you might be able to improve your language skills by listening in your sleep comes from a Swiss study in which students were asked to listen to new vocabulary words in a foreign language.

How long is the Chinese alphabet?

There is no Chinese “alphabet,” they use characters which function a bit like words. However, it's important to note that Chinese is not a monosyllabic language or something of that ilk, and they most definitely are NOT pictographs. Most words are now two characters long in Modern Standard Chinese.