Is alimony and maintenance the same?

Is alimony and maintenance the same?

Alimony, also called spousal support or spousal maintenance, is the payment of money by one spouse to the other after separation or a divorce. Its purpose is to help the lower-earning spouse maintain the same standard of living after divorce. … In turn, the recipient must report the alimony payments as income.

What is alimony and maintenance?

Alimony and Maintenance. … This establishes the legal grounds for enacting the provisions of alimony and maintenance, the purpose of which is to compensate a spouse in the event of a legal separation or divorce. This article throws light on the entitlements and accountabilities of a spouse under these circumstances.

How long does a person have to pay alimony?

Generally, for short-term marriages (under ten years), permanent alimony lasts no longer than half the length of the marriage, with “marriage” defined as the time between the date of marriage and the date of separation. So, if your marriage lasted eight years, you may expect to pay or receive alimony for four years.

Is it better to pay child support or alimony?

The key difference between alimony vs. child support is what each one is intended to be used for. Alimony is paid for the benefit of a spouse; child support is paid for the benefit of any children resulting from the marriage. Child support is designed to be used to meet the basics needs of the child.