
How would you maintain the privacy and dignity of your client who you are assisting with their toileting needs?

How would you maintain the privacy and dignity of your client who you are assisting with their toileting needs?

Try to provide cover. Whenever possible, try to show them that you are providing some privacy. Perhaps you can give them a towel to drape over their lap after helping them onto the toilet, for example. If you have helped the person to the restroom step out and close the door until they need you again.

What does privacy and dignity mean in care?

Privacy refers to freedom from intrusion and relates to all information and practice that is personal or sensitive in nature to an individual. Dignity is being worthy of respect.

How an individual’s dignity is maintained in healthcare?

Provide person-centred care and support – place the individual and their needs, preferences and aspirations at the centre of care. An ethos of person-centred care upholds the dignity both of people using services and of staff. Promote good communication – this demonstrates respect and maintains an individual's dignity.