
How strong is a torsion box?

How strong is a torsion box?

A torsion box is not quite as stiff as a solid panel of the same thickness, but with the layer thicknesses you cite, it will be close. So I'd guess the 1 1/4" torsion box would be 3-4 times stiffer than the 3/4" plywood.

What is a torsion box used for?

A torsion box consists of two thin layers of material (skins) on either side of a lightweight core, usually a grid of beams. … Torsion boxes are used in the construction of structural insulated panels for houses, wooden tables and doors, skis, snowboards, and airframes – especially wings and vertical stabilizers.

What is a torsion box table?

A torsion box consists of two thin layers of material (skins) on either side of a lightweight core, usually a grid of beams. … Torsion boxes are used in the construction of structural insulated panels for houses, wooden tables and doors, skis, snowboards, and airframes – especially wings and vertical stabilizers.