
How often should you bathe a horse?

How often should you bathe a horse?

While there is no definitive answer, a few guidelines will help. First, over-bathing will deplete your horse's natural skin oils, leaving his coat dry and flaky and prone to skin infections. Bathing more than once a week is more than likely too frequent.

What soap can I use to wash my horse?

For whites (markings or grey bodies) the blue kind of dish soap (Dawn is what I used) gets them really white. If you're concerned about drying the horse's coat out, use a good quality conditioner for humans. You could also rinse with vinegar, beer, dilute fabric softener.

Is it OK to wash a horse with cold water?

“Horses shouldn't be bathed in cold water.” “Horses are rinsed daily to remove sweat and salt/” “Depending upon the temperature, I always use warm water.”