
How often do pipettes need to be calibrated?

How often do pipettes need to be calibrated?

3 to 6 monthsThe Clinical and Laboratory Standards Institute (CSLI) recommends that pipettes (single and multi-channel) and automated liquid handlers be calibrated every 3 to 6 months. A minimum of two volumes must be tested (nominal and lowest setting) with ten replicates at each volume.

How important is calibration of the micropipette?

Calibration of pipettes is of great importance for accurate and precise pipetting results. Furthermore, also the ambient conditions such as air pressure, humidity, temperature and even the altitude affect every pipetting event.

How do I know if my pipette is accurate?

Place a weigh boat on the microbalance (or analytical balance). Make sure to close the doors and then zero the balance. Set your pipette to the desired volume within the pipette's range. It's a good idea to “prime” the pipette tip a few times by pipetting up and down with water before you take your first measurement.