How much does it cost to get an industrial piercing?

How much does it cost to get an industrial piercing?

The Average Cost Of An Industrial Piercing Some piercers consider it to be two separate piercings, some only see it as one. Location and experience can further vary the price. At a very base average, you should be looking to spend between $40- $70.

Can everyone get an industrial piercing?

Additionally, cartilage requires more attention during healing than more fleshy areas, so you need to make sure that you pay attention during healing. The aesthetic of the industrial piercing also depends greatly upon your ear anatomy, so it's not for everyone.

What side do you get an industrial piercing?

There's no “right” choice. You can have your right ear, left ear, or both ears pierced. It just depends on your preference. Here's one important factor to consider: If you're a side sleeper, you may want to pierce the ear opposite the side you typically sleep on.

Why can’t I get an industrial piercing?

Industrials are essentially the only piercing that is actually “impossible” to do on some people (impossible meaning highly unwise). Some people's ear anatomy simply does not allow for an industrial to be done safely. … They will be able to tell you quickly just by looking at your ear.