
How much do Activist get paid?

How much do Activist get paid?

A newly hired federal Department of Justice lawyer with a master's degree in human rights law might earn between $60,274 to $74,872 as of 2013. In contrast, entry-level public defenders earned an average yearly salary of $47,500 in 2010.

Can activism be a career?

There are very few careers that can be specifically defined as “activist” careers. The key to creating a career in activism is to find ways to bring your beliefs and values into your work. Just about any career choice can incorporate an element of activism if you are working towards societal change.

What jobs are there in human rights?

You might be working as a lawyer, an academic, a politician, a lobbyist, as part of a think tank, or for an NGO or charity. Marketing and promotion are particularly important aspects of human rights charity work.

What do you need to be a human rights lawyer?

A career as a human rights attorney requires both an undergraduate degree and a law degree. Prospective lawyers' undergraduate programs should include courses in English, history, government, and speech. Most law schools also require that applicants take the Law School Admissions Test (LSAT).