
How many followers do you need to be an influencer?

How many followers do you need to be an influencer?

There is the influencer who has somewhere between a few hundred and 20,000 followers, with 200 being the absolute floor in most cases. While it's true that influencers with huge numbers can drive serious traffic and deliver excellent results for big brands, those influencers also tend to be very expensive.

How much does a Instagram blogger make?

Here are some average estimate earnings for bloggers, Instagram influencers, and video bloggers (vloggers) broken down by their potential reach: Bloggers: $175 to $5,000+ per post with amplification on social channels (re-posting the content across other social platforms).

How do beauty influencers make money?

According to the Financial Times, if you have an audience of 100,000 followers, you can charge brands $2,700 USD per post. Influencers with four to 20 million followers typically make a cool $6,000 to $17,500 USD every time they upload a sponsored post.