How many absences are allowed at work in a year?

How many absences are allowed at work in a year?

According to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, full-time employees had an overall absence rate of 2.8, or almost three absence “instances” per year in 2017. The average absence rate for service occupations was even higher, at 3.4 absences per year.

What qualifies as excessive absenteeism?

“Excessive” absenteeism is a term I use to describe a particular employee's attendance record if he or she has been absent way more than the typical employee and doesn't have valid reasons for the absences.

How do you deal with frequent absenteeism?

They'll most often work with you as much as possible. On average, two weeks (14 total days) per year is acceptable for missing work (planned with excuse). 0 days is acceptable to miss work without excuses.