How long should a new tattoo be covered?

How long should a new tattoo be covered?

Leave the covering on for 2-3 hours. The bandage is there to protect your tattoo from dirt and bacteria and should be left on for up to 3 hours before you remove it. Since different tattoo artists have different methods of wrapping new tattoos, ask your tattoo artist when they recommend removing the bandage.

What ointment is good for tattoos?

Some commonly recommended ointments would be Bacitracin, A+D Ointment and Aquaphor; I would recommend staying away from Vaseline and petroleum jelly. It is VERY IMPORTANT to only use a very tiny amount of ointment and that you lightly rub in on in a thin, shiny, “barely there” layer over the tattoo.

Should I wrap my tattoo at night?

Keep the tattoo unwrapped throughout the day, and wrap it just before going to sleep for the first three nights only. You can use plastic wrap for rewrapping, making sure your new tattoo is completely dry before you rewrap. … Keep lightly applying the ointment until your tattoo peels after three to seven days.