How long does pool deck paint last?
How long does pool deck paint last?
When used as a swimming pool deck floor coating, here's the lifespan for each option: Acrylic sealers — reapply once per year. Silane/siloxane penetrating sealers — reapply every few years. Urethane or polyurethane — reapply at least every 10 years.
How much does it cost to resurface pool deck?
A basic resurfacing job of 750-square-foot pool deck ranges in price from $2,250 to $3,750. A decorative overlay would be about $5,250 to $9,000 while stamped concrete may range from $6,000 to $15,000.
Can Kool Deck be applied to existing concrete?
To apply any overlay on existing concrete, there is some surface preparation (and when isn't there surface preparation). It's relatively easy to get a great bond with Kool Deck to the concrete when done properly.
Can you repaint Kool Deck?
Kool Decks are most often used near swimming pools, walkways and outdoor patio areas. … The Mortex Corporation recommends the use of Systex Deck Paint when painting over your Kool Deck.
How long does Kool Deck last?
Kool Deck does not last long in areas with freezing temperatures as the water and ice start to lift the coating. As a general rule, Kool Deck withstands 70 freeze-thaw cycles before breaking down. Your new Kool Deck will last for many years while maintaining its cool, anti-slip surface.
Can you patch cool deck?
Although Kool Deck systems provide improved expansion and contraction of surface elements over regular cement, they can still crack over time and require repairs. You can fix cracks in your Kool Deck with the aid of a Kool Deck patch kit, available through the Mortex Corp.
How much does Kool Deck cost?
Professional contractors at Backyard by Design estimate that Kool Deck costs roughly $3 to $4 per square foot when installed over existing concrete.
Does Kool Deck have asbestos in it?
Kool Deck has asbestos in it and therefore must be removed by a professional. … We plan on taking the deck out as far as we can (in wide step down areas so as to avoid having to use rails for safety) and still use the pool cover in the winter. The pool has about a 3 foot Kool Deck covered concrete decking around 3 sides.
How do you maintain a Kool Deck?
Kool Deck and Solement surfaces can provide years of beauty and durability, but does require cleaning on a regular basis. Surfaces should be cleaned by using strong soap and water and a nylon bristle broom to scrub the surface and then rinsed clean with a garden hose.
How do you mix a Kool Deck?
Pour 10 gallons of size 20 mesh marble sand into a paddle-style cement mixer. Add 1 gallon of water and mix until you dampen the sand. Place one unit of Kool Deck into the mixer and stir for two minutes. Add 4 gallons of water at the same time you add one 94-lb.
How does Kool Deck work?
Applied to freshly poured concrete, Kool Deck creates a colored, textured concrete surface that the manufacturer says is as strong as the base concrete. Kool Deck Pros: lowers the surface temperature of concrete by around 20 degrees, more than any other deck material.
How do you repair a concrete pool deck?
Spray a section of the paint with the pressure washer. If the paint lifts off the concrete, continue cleaning the paint off the concrete pool deck without the use of chemicals to soften the paint. Position the nozzle so the spray from the pressure washer and the removed paint flow away from the pool water.