
How long does pool deck paint last?

How long does pool deck paint last?

When used as a swimming pool deck floor coating, here's the lifespan for each option: Acrylic sealers — reapply once per year. Silane/siloxane penetrating sealers — reapply every few years. Urethane or polyurethane — reapply at least every 10 years.

Is deck paint or stain better?

Some stains are slick, but for the most part they're flatter and create a less slippery surface than a thick, quality paint job. If safety and slippage is a concern for your deck, stain is generally a better option.

How much does it cost to resurface concrete pool deck?

A basic resurfacing job of 750-square-foot pool deck ranges in price from $2,250 to $3,750. A decorative overlay would be about $5,250 to $9,000 while stamped concrete may range from $6,000 to $15,000.

Can I paint over Kool Deck?

Kool Decks are most often used near swimming pools, walkways and outdoor patio areas. … The Mortex Corporation recommends the use of Systex Deck Paint when painting over your Kool Deck.

What is the coolest pool deck surface?

Another great option for your pool deck is marbella stone. The pavers look gorgeous as part of a pool deck design, the natural stone complementing any and all styles of back-yard landscaping. The porous nature of this natural stone makes the pavers slip resistant as well as cooler than most other deck surfaces.

How much is Kool Deck?

Standard Kool Deck, known as Keystone Kool Deck, comes at a slightly lower cost. Professional contractors at Backyard by Design estimate that Kool Deck costs roughly $3 to $4 per square foot when installed over existing concrete.

How much does it cost to paint a pool deck?

How much does deck staining and painting cost? Prices for deck painting and staining run about $2-$5 per square foot, depending on the size and condition of your deck. The type of paint or stain you choose will also affect the overall cost. Most projects average between $300-$1,200.

Can you use deck paint on concrete?

If your concrete porch and walkways are looking rough, apply an acrylic latex porch and floor paint with a paint roller. 1-gallon of acrylic latex porch paint will cover up to 400-square feet. … Deck and concrete restorers are up to 10 times thicker than paint or stain, and fill cracks up to 1/4-inch thick.

How do you clean a pool deck before painting?

Sweep away all debris such as leaves, dust and dirt. Wash any stains or spots with a degreasing cleanser and a scrub brush. Dish-washing soap or trisodium phosphate will both work. Rinse the pool deck thoroughly with a pressure washer and let it dry completely; then sweep it again.

Is painting your pool a good idea?

Painting a swimming pool is a quick, affordable way to make the interior surface look clean and fresh, but is this always the best idea? … Painting a pool generally costs about half the price of a re-plaster with white marcite. Generally, you will get no warranty on pool paint.

Should I seal my pool deck?

A sealer will improve your pool deck's appearance, prevent fading caused by UV rays and protect it from stains and harmful pool chemicals. Whether your pool deck is plain gray concrete, stained concrete or has a stamped texture, sealing after the concrete has cured and every few years after is recommended.

Can you Epoxy a pool deck?

Epoxy concrete coatings generally aren't used for outdoor concrete but there are specialized forms of epoxy coatings designed for concrete pool decks and patios. … Specialized epoxy resin can be a long-lasting and unique way to resurface a pool deck with dramatic results.

Can you paint a concrete pool?

Paint applies directly to concrete pools, plaster pools and fiberglass pools, as well as fountains or water features. It is not recommended for fish ponds. Pool paints create a shiny, ceramic like finish that can last for years.