How long does it take to grow cauliflower?

How long does it take to grow cauliflower?

about 2 monthsMost cauliflower varieties require about 2 months to mature, although some are a little quicker and others can take up to 3 months. Since they will not form heads in warm weather and can only handle a light frost, be sure to choose a variety that will have enough time to mature in your climate.

How easy is it to grow cauliflower?

It is best to start cauliflower from small nursery plants versus sowing seeds. If you seed, start 4 to 5 weeks before the last spring frost date. Sow in rows 3 to 6 inches apart and up to ½ of an inch deep. Water consistently during germination and growth.

When should I plant cauliflower?

The best time to plant most varieties of cauliflower is in the spring so they grow and produce their flower heads before summer's hot temperatures ramp up. Other varieties are suited for mid-summer planting for a fall harvest. A good fall recommendation is its pointy, green Romanesco cousin.

Will cauliflower grow back?

Unfortunately, cauliflower can be harvested only once. Once the mature head is harvested, new, edible heads do not form. If you love cauliflower, you can extend the harvest by planting several types that mature at different times.