How long does it take to grow brussel sprouts?

How long does it take to grow brussel sprouts?

Brussels sprouts reach maturity 80 to 90 days after transplanting and 100 to 110 days after sowing seed depending on the variety. Time planting so that Brussels do not grow in periods of extended warm weather much above 70°.

Are brussel sprouts easy to grow?

Brussels sprouts are relatively easy to grow and take up little space in the garden. They must be started indoors 4 weeks before your last frost date. This is a long season crop planted in spring for a fall harvest.

Do brussel sprouts come back every year?

They are a biennial, which means they will flower and set seed in their second year. I don't think the sprouts will fall off, based on what I have just been reading. It is hard to say, because most people treat them like an annual and uproot them at the end of the season.