
How long does it take to grow an apple tree from seed?

How long does it take to grow an apple tree from seed?

six to 10 years
Trees grown from seed require six to 10 years to produce fruit. While you might sprout seeds taken from fruit grown on a dwarf fruit tree, that seedling is likely to grow into a full-size tree. The original tree was dwarfed by its rootstock.

Can you plant apple seeds from store bought apples?

The short answer is: Yes, but… Many of the apple varieties in grocery store bins are hybrids because apples do not reproduce true to type. It’s also important to know whether your apple that yields its seeds is a variety that grows successfully in your climate.

What is the best month to plant apple trees?

When Should Apple Trees Be Planted? The best time to plant apple trees is in the spring, like all other fruit trees, though the fall can work with the understanding that there are risks if there’s a harsh winter ahead. Don’t focus on frost dates in the early spring and late winter.

Do you need to dry apple seeds before planting?

The seeds need a dry out period followed by a stratification period. If you skip these 2 steps you probably won’t have success germinating your apple seeds. If you want to germinate apple seeds collected from an apple first let the seeds dry out for 3-4 weeks.

Can you plant an apple seed?

It is possible to grow an apple tree from an apple seed. However, in most cases, apple trees don’t come true from seeds. For example, a seed taken from a Red Delicious apple will not produce a Red Delicious apple tree. Apple seeds need to be exposed to cool, moist conditions before they will germinate.

Can I plant a sprouted apple seed?

Planting Sprouted Apple Seeds While you could plant your apple tree seedling right in the garden (in spring or summer), it will be much easier to protect and care for it if you grow it in a container for as long as possible.

How hard is it to grow an apple tree from seed?

Apple seeds are easy to grow at home with the proper preparation, and seedlings are often more vigorous than their grafted nursery counterparts. Give an apple tree seedling 3-4 years and it’ll catch up to and pass a potted transplant in size.

Where is the best place to plant an apple tree?


  • As with most fruit, apples produce best when grown in full sun, which means six or more hours of direct summer Sun daily.
  • The best exposure for apples is a north side of a house, tree line, or rise rather than the south.
  • Apple trees need well-drained soil, but should be able to retain some moisture.

Do you need 2 apple trees to produce fruit?

One tree is not enough To set fruit, the vast majority of apple trees requires a different variety grown nearby for pollination. While some apple varieties are self-pollinating, even they produce more fruit with another variety nearby.

Will apple trees grown from seed produce fruit?

No, it’s not a myth: You really can grow an apple tree from seeds inside the fruit you bought at the grocery store. It’s not quite as simple as just scattering them across the ground in your yard, but with the right care and a lot of patience, it’s possible to eventually end up with your own fruit-producing tree.

How do you save apple seeds to plant?

After you have rinsed the seeds, lay them out on a piece of paper to dry for a couple of days. Store the seeds for three months in the fridge in a sealed plastic bag with moistened, sterile, peat moss potting soil. This allows the seeds to chill like they would normally do outdoors over the winter.

Do apple seeds need to be dried before planting?

How deep should you plant an apple seed?

Apple seeds need to be exposed to cool, moist conditions before they will germinate. The cool, moist requirement can be accomplished by planting apple seeds outdoors in fall. Plant the seeds 1/2 inch deep. The cool, moist requirement can also be attained indoors.

What do you do with apple seeds once they sprout?

When the time is up, remove the seeds from the refrigerator and plant 1 1/2cm (1/2″) deep in a small pot filled with well watered, good quality potting compost. Keep in a cold frame, sheltered south facing spot or under a Bell Cloche outside until the seeds germinate.

Does Apple Tree need full sun?

Planting. As with most fruit, apples produce best when grown in full sun, which means six or more hours of direct summer Sun daily. Apple trees need well-drained soil, but should be able to retain some moisture.

How long does it take for a fruit tree to bear fruit?

The average bearing age of fruit trees is as follows; apple – 4 to 5 years, sour or tart cherry – 3 to 5 years, pear – 4 to 6 years, and plum – 3 to 5 years.

Do I need a male and female apple tree?

Apple trees are considered self-incompatible, which means they need at least one other variety of apple tree to help them achieve pollination. Growers should select a variety to use as a pollinizer that has the same bloom time as their primary choice of apple tree.

How long does it take to grow fruit trees from seed?

While annual plants will produce fruit the first year from seeds, some fruit trees may not bear fruit for 5 to 15 years after the seed has been planted.


How long does it take to grow an apple tree from seed?

How long does it take to grow an apple tree from seed?

six to 10 yearsTrees grown from seed require six to 10 years to produce fruit. While you might sprout seeds taken from fruit grown on a dwarf fruit tree, that seedling is likely to grow into a full-size tree.

How do you grow an apple tree from an apple seed?

Place two seeds in each pot. After filling the pots with loam soil, poke two one-inch (2.54 cm) holes in the soil of each pot about three inches (7.6 cm) apart, then place a seed in each hole. Because not every seed is guaranteed to grow, plant five to ten times as many seeds as you want apple trees.

Which part of an apple tree can make seeds?

The fertilized ovules will become seeds. The outer wall of the ovary develops into the fleshy white part of the apple. The inner wall of the ovary becomes the apple core around the seeds. In summer, the apples grow bigger and gradually change color, and the tree produces new growth.