How long does it take to grow a mustache?

How long does it take to grow a mustache?

roughly 2 to 6 monthsHOW LONG DOES IT TAKE TO GROW A FULL MUSTACHE. Generally speaking, a full mustache takes roughly 2 to 6 months to grow.

How can I make my mustache grow faster?

To grow a mustache, eat foods that are high in protein, like eggs, chicken, and almonds, which can help your facial hair grow faster. Also, take vitamin A, C, and E supplements to help your mustache grow. Avoid trimming your beard while it's growing since trimming it will slow down the process.

Will my mustache get thicker?

So just grow a nicely kept beard for a few weeks until the hair above your lip is full and thick enough to stand on its own. Then shave off all the hair around it. No, there's nothing you can do to grow your mustache faster or thicker. … How fast or thick your facial hair grows is almost wholly dependent on genetics.